2016年8月31日 星期三

PowerShell is open sourced and is available on Linux

PowerShell is open sourced and is available on Linux

Posted on August 18, 2016
Technical Fellow, Microsoft Enterprise Cloud Group
Today’s customers live in a multi-platform, multi-cloud, multi-OS world – that’s just reality. This world brings new challenges and customers need tools to make everything work together. Microsoft is working company-wide to deliver management tools that empower customers to manage any platform, from anywhere, on any device, using Linux or Windows. This shift to a more open, customer-obsessed approach to deliver innovation is one of the things that makes me most excited to come to work every day.
You’ve heard Satya Nadella say “Microsoft loves Linux” and that’s never been more true than now. Nearly one in three VMs on Azure are Linux. Nearly 60 percent of third-party IaaS offers in the Azure Marketplace are open source software (OSS). We have forged strong industry partners to extend choice to our customers. We’ve announced SQL Server on Linux, as well as open sourced .NET. We added Bash to Windows 10 to make it a great platform for developing OSS. And, we’re active contributors and participants to numerous open source projects (e.g. OpenSSH, FreeBSD, Mesos, Docker, Linux and many more) across the industry.
Today, we are taking the next step in our journey. I am extremely excited to share that PowerShell is open sourced and available on Linux. (For those of you who need a refresher, PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on the .NET Framework to help IT professionals control and automate the administration of the Windows, and now Linux, operating systems and the applications that run on them.) I’m going to share a bit more about our journey getting here, and will tell you how Microsoft Operations Management Suite can enhance the PowerShell experience.

2016年8月26日 星期五



2016年8月18日 星期四

Who is the Ultimate Coder?

Who is the Ultimate Coder? Find out who the winner of the contest is this month. We also talk about talking cats, drones, neural networks and more. Go to the Top Ten now!

2016年8月5日 星期五






RAD Studio 10

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NEW!功能與容量加倍 - 新的 IDE 可以支援比以前專案兩倍以上容量的開發。
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NEW!提供了即時互聯網路應用程式,透過 EMS 讓業務行動化。

CheckWriter(TM) Duplex Edition

The CheckWriter(TM) Duplex Edition is designed for businesses who will have up to 2 simultaneous users, 
at one physical business location.

ActivityOnCreate ActivityOnRestore ActivityOnStart

ActivityOnCreate ActivityOnRestore ActivityOnStart