2016年1月23日 星期六
2016年1月22日 星期五
client/server SOAP—A library in pure C.
- client/server SOAP—A library in pure C.
- mod_gsoap —An Apache module that serves SOAP requests.
- C++ Web Services —A powerful command line utility for dynamic inspection and invocation of WSDL web services.
Featured Editor's Review for January: gSOAP
Featured Editor's Review for January: gSOAP
For our January "Editor's Pick" Project of the Month, we selected gSOAP, an extensive suite of portable C and C++ software to develop XML Web services with powerful type-safe XML data bindings. Easy-to-use XML auto-serialization allows you to directly integrate XML data in C and C++ (C++11 compatible) applications. gSOAP includes WSDL/XSD schema binding and auto-coding tools, stub/skeleton compiler, Web servers (with SSL), integrated XML processing with schema validation, fast MIME/MTOM streaming, SOAP and REST (.NET WCF compatible), WS-* protocols (WS-Security, WS-Policy, WS-ReliableMessaging, etc.), and XML-RPC plus JSON serialization. It is licensed under GPLv2. commercial licensing options available starting under 1K. Download gSOAP now.
For our January "Editor's Pick" Project of the Month, we selected gSOAP, an extensive suite of portable C and C++ software to develop XML Web services with powerful type-safe XML data bindings. Easy-to-use XML auto-serialization allows you to directly integrate XML data in C and C++ (C++11 compatible) applications. gSOAP includes WSDL/XSD schema binding and auto-coding tools, stub/skeleton compiler, Web servers (with SSL), integrated XML processing with schema validation, fast MIME/MTOM streaming, SOAP and REST (.NET WCF compatible), WS-* protocols (WS-Security, WS-Policy, WS-ReliableMessaging, etc.), and XML-RPC plus JSON serialization. It is licensed under GPLv2. commercial licensing options available starting under 1K. Download gSOAP now.
Dive Into the World of Parallel Programming
Dive Into the World of Parallel Programming
The Go Parallel website, sponsored by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials, tech docs, white papers, evaluation guides and opinion stories. Take a look at the most-recent posts and join the conversation now.
2016年1月19日 星期二
Personalized, Computer-Enhanced Epilepsy Treatment Ahead?
Personalized, Computer-Enhanced Epilepsy Treatment Ahead?
Physicians could one day personalize treatments for epilepsy patients by using computer models that pinpoint the parts of brains responsible for seizures, according to researchers at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom. The connectivity of neurons and the affected areas in the brain are different in epilepsy patients, according to a recent story in New Scientist. Lead researcher Frances Hutchings and her colleagues at Newcastle are using a combination of MRI scans and diffusion tensor imaging to find those differences.
Physicians could one day personalize treatments for epilepsy patients by using computer models that pinpoint the parts of brains responsible for seizures, according to researchers at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom. The connectivity of neurons and the affected areas in the brain are different in epilepsy patients, according to a recent story in New Scientist. Lead researcher Frances Hutchings and her colleagues at Newcastle are using a combination of MRI scans and diffusion tensor imaging to find those differences.
2016年1月6日 星期三
精準挖掘數據潛在價值 解開大數據分析之迷
能否精準挖掘出數據真正價值是現時不少企業關心的問題, 企業希望透過分析這些被忽略的數據獲得有助業務發展的寶 貴信息。大數據應用已改變不少行業和機構的運作方式,達 到優化營運和避過欺詐,今期將與大家分析現時市面上有不 少聲稱為分析和處理大數據應用的伺服器方案可選,究竟企 業選購時有甚麼需要留意的地方?
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