2016年9月30日 星期五

iPhone7 Plus電池膨脹?

台灣傳出iPhone7 Plus電池膨脹首例!無獨有偶,美國也有網友貼出iPhone7 plus疑似在運送過程中爆炸的照片。手機專家多半認為電池膨脹只是個案,確實原因還要由蘋果公司判定。蘋果公司尚未回應。

run them on-premises or in the cloud.

We call it the “cloud-ready OS” because it meets customers where they are today, and it introduces technology to ease the transition to cloud. It is a great server OS to run traditional applications and datacenter infrastructure, and at the same time it delivers an unprecedented amount of innovation to help customers transition workloads to a more secure, efficient and agile cloud model. It is a great place to land all your workloads, providing the flexibility to run them on-premises or in the cloud.

Windows Server 2016

Windows Server 2016

Windows IT Pro Insider!

Windows IT Pro Insider!

2016年9月27日 星期二

Get your IoT devices communicating quickly

IDE Downloads —
Get your IoT devices communicating quickly
Identify the software you need to speed up prototyping and time to production. Explore Intel® IoT IDE offerings for the best option to support your IoT solution.

2016年9月26日 星期一


#include <stdio.h>
int priority(char x) {
  switch(x) {
    case '+':
    case '-':
      return 0;
    case '*':
    case '/':
      return 1;
      return 2;
  return 0;

int main(char argc,char *argv[]) {
  char *say = "Hello, ";
  if (argc>1)
    printf("%s, %s!\n", say, argv[1]);
    printf("%s, guy!\n", say);

gdb 的 使用

gdb 使用

2016年9月23日 星期五

Intel® IoT Commercial Workshop Webinar Series Databases at the Edge

Intel® IoT Commercial Workshop Webinar Series
Databases at the Edge

2016年8月31日 星期三

PowerShell is open sourced and is available on Linux

PowerShell is open sourced and is available on Linux

Posted on August 18, 2016
Technical Fellow, Microsoft Enterprise Cloud Group
Today’s customers live in a multi-platform, multi-cloud, multi-OS world – that’s just reality. This world brings new challenges and customers need tools to make everything work together. Microsoft is working company-wide to deliver management tools that empower customers to manage any platform, from anywhere, on any device, using Linux or Windows. This shift to a more open, customer-obsessed approach to deliver innovation is one of the things that makes me most excited to come to work every day.
You’ve heard Satya Nadella say “Microsoft loves Linux” and that’s never been more true than now. Nearly one in three VMs on Azure are Linux. Nearly 60 percent of third-party IaaS offers in the Azure Marketplace are open source software (OSS). We have forged strong industry partners to extend choice to our customers. We’ve announced SQL Server on Linux, as well as open sourced .NET. We added Bash to Windows 10 to make it a great platform for developing OSS. And, we’re active contributors and participants to numerous open source projects (e.g. OpenSSH, FreeBSD, Mesos, Docker, Linux and many more) across the industry.
Today, we are taking the next step in our journey. I am extremely excited to share that PowerShell is open sourced and available on Linux. (For those of you who need a refresher, PowerShell is a task-based command-line shell and scripting language built on the .NET Framework to help IT professionals control and automate the administration of the Windows, and now Linux, operating systems and the applications that run on them.) I’m going to share a bit more about our journey getting here, and will tell you how Microsoft Operations Management Suite can enhance the PowerShell experience.

2016年8月26日 星期五



2016年8月18日 星期四

Who is the Ultimate Coder?

Who is the Ultimate Coder? Find out who the winner of the contest is this month. We also talk about talking cats, drones, neural networks and more. Go to the Top Ten now!

2016年8月5日 星期五






RAD Studio 10

以下 RAD Studio 10 精彩功能,是每一位程式設計師希望能立即上手的...
NEW!乘著 Windows 10 的浪潮 – 快速且容易地帶著您的客戶及應用程式升級到 Windows 10。 RAD Studio 10 的 Windows 10 VCL Controls 功能,好得令人難以置信。
NEW!功能與容量加倍 - 新的 IDE 可以支援比以前專案兩倍以上容量的開發。
NEW!RAD Studio 10 的 IDE 提升程式開發生產力功能有 20 項之多,包括 Clipboard History, Code Navigation Toolbar ...!
NEW!RAD Studio 10 提供了加強版的以 CLANG 為基礎的跨 Windows 10 及行動裝置平台的 C++ 編譯器,有特別為 C++ 程式設計師開發的新功能。
NEW!開發一份程式碼可同時在桌面及行動裝置平台執行 – 包括各平台原生 UI Controls 程式碼。
NEW!提供了即時互聯網路應用程式,透過 EMS 讓業務行動化。

CheckWriter(TM) Duplex Edition

The CheckWriter(TM) Duplex Edition is designed for businesses who will have up to 2 simultaneous users, 
at one physical business location.

ActivityOnCreate ActivityOnRestore ActivityOnStart

ActivityOnCreate ActivityOnRestore ActivityOnStart

2016年7月31日 星期日

Quick developer tips and resources right to your inbox

Quick developer tips and resources right to your inbox Stay up to date on all the latest Intel Game Developer information. Tips, resources, sample codes and special offers selected just for you every month. Don’t miss a thing!


First, from an IT perspective, is deployment readiness. To make it easier for you to assess and ensure the compatibility of your organization’s devices and applications, we recently released a public preview of Windows Upgrade Analytics, a new service that allows you to quickly identify and focus on the critical issues that impede the upgrade to Windows 10. For more details, see my blog post on Making upgrading to Windows 10 simpler with Windows Upgrade Analytics.


2016年7月21日 星期四

Modern Code Dev King!

building a smart home, how to optimize your games, and another round of Intel’s Modern Code Dev King!

2016年7月20日 星期三

Who Will Be the Ultimate IoT Coder?

Who Will Be the Ultimate IoT Coder? The Intel® Ultimate Coder Challenge for IoT is back with cutting-edge IoT technologies, team-based competition and innovation powered by the Intel® IoT Development Kit.

2016年7月8日 星期五

import android.app.Activity;

import android.app.Activity;

private Bitmap bmp;

動態放大縮小ImageView 裡的應變

動態放大縮小ImageView 裡的應變

使用 deccodeFile 方法

使用 deccodeFile 方法

ArrayAdapter fileList = new ArrayAdapter(this,R.layout.file_row, items);

ArrayAdapter<String> fileList = new ArrayAdapter<String>(this,R.layout.file_row, items);

2016年7月7日 星期四

Policeman and judges will enforce the laws of the city.

Policeman and judges will enforce the laws of the city.

2016年6月29日 星期三



dsm 64 , 64bit distributed shared memory technique

dsm 64 , 64bit distributed shared memory technique

2016年6月13日 星期一


2016年6月11日 星期六

Learn how to launch your app successfully in the marketplace!

Feature Image
Learn how to launch your app successfully in the marketplace!
In this webinar, we’ll cover the basics of:
•  Why having a Go-To-Market plan is key to your app’s success
•  The essential elements of a successful Go-To-Market plan
•  How to build out a GTM plan regardless of where in the product development process you are

How to: Get detailed instructions to start running Python and Django on Nano Server

How to: Get detailed instructions to start running Python and Django on Nano Server

2016年5月23日 星期一

Idera / Embarcadero 對於 C++Builder

不 知不覺 C++Builder 和 Delphi 已開始進入第 4 次的銳變階段,在 2015年 10 月 Idera 正式入主 C++Builder 和 Delphi 並隨即開始規劃 C++Builder 和 Delphi 下一世代的發展方向,2016 年初公佈了 C++Builder 和 Delphi 的發展路線圖,2016 年 4 月如期發表 RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin 版,正式為所有使用者揭開 Idera 接手之後的第 1 個產品。從 RAD Studio 10.0 Seattle 版到 10.1 Berlin 版,C++Builder 和 Delphi 到底又有什麼新的增強和發展方向呢?
我們誠摯的邀請您來瞭解 Idera / Embarcadero 對於 C++Builder 和 Delphi 的未來發展以及 Berlin 版的新功能,以及強大的開發能力,一起讓 C++Builder 和 Delphi 有著更完美的未來並陪伴您一次又一次的完成您的開發需求。
  • 2016/5/26 (四) 10:00 上午 - 11:00 上午
  • 2016 年產品發展路線及趨勢
  • 10.1 Berlin 新增功能

2016年5月21日 星期六

1. A Skyrocket Story

1. A Skyrocket Story      

1. A Skyrocket Story      

Discover how British artist John Evelyn created a game that brings his whimsical artwork to life. For help, he turned to the Intel® XDK.

2016年5月19日 星期四

What Developers Need to Know About Skylake

Feature Image
What Developers Need to Know About Skylake
The 6th generation Intel® Core™ processor (code-named Skylake) is the platform-of-choice for productivity, creativity and gaming applications. Learn about key features, improvements and exciting new usages.

C++Builder 和 Delphi

不知不覺 C++Builder 和 Delphi 已開始進入第 4 次的銳變階段,在 2015年 10 月 Idera 正式入主 C++Builder 和 Delphi 並隨即開始規劃 C++Builder 和 Delphi 下一世代的發展方向,2016 年初公佈了 C++Builder 和 Delphi 的發展路線圖,2016 年 4 月如期發表 RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin 版,正式為所有使用者揭開 Idera 接手之後的第 1 個產品。從 RAD Studio 10.0 Seattle 版到 10.1 Berlin 版,C++Builder 和 Delphi 到底又有什麼新的增強和發展方向呢?

2016年5月18日 星期三

最佳的 Delphi,C++Builder 應用程式後端平台

全新上市 RAD Server, 最佳的 Delphi,C++Builder 應用程式後端平台. RAD Server是一套turn-key RAD應用程式伺服器, 它是一套強大的創新的後端平台, 透過這個平台您可以建立並且部署您的Delphi及C++Builder應用程式服務。使用RAD Server, 今後您將不再需要自己建立後端伺服器服務平台。您只需要把Delphi 或 C++Builder的程式碼載入RAD Server, 那麼這些後端程式碼便可在客戶端藉由REST/JSON呼叫使用。內建的整合服務, 提供了所有常用的功能, 讓您存取外部的主要系統。所有功能都整合於一體, 是一套易於使用及部署的伺服器。

2016年5月5日 星期四


提供功能強大的Windows 10系統的VCL控制工具
提供跨Windows, Mac及行動裝置平台的FMX開發工具
提供支援四種32及64位元Intel及ARM CPU作業系 統的原生程式編譯器
提供藍芽, 低功藍芽, WiFi 及非常容易使用的物聯網元件

2016年5月4日 星期三

2016 年產品發展路線及趨勢

  • 2016 年產品發展路線及趨勢
  • 10.1 Berlin 新增功能
  • IoT 應用實例介紹:
  • 使用 BLE 低耗電藍牙 及 WiFi 技術設定 IoT 物聯網裝置,並整合雲端多功能設定及訊息推播功能,實現智慧物聯網新時代。
  • 用遮罩來把 TBitmap 裁剪成我們需要的形狀 (應用實例介紹):
  • 非方形區塊之圖片的剪輯處理技巧。

2016年4月28日 星期四


ANSYS從1970年發展至今已45年為世界頂尖的工程模擬軟體,從最初的產品設計、精確的工程設計到最終產品驗證,都大大降低設計問題和開發成本,並 能加快開發週期和突破更多產品性能。 ANSYS 在全球各行各業皆備受肯定,全球與台灣的法人單位與大學使用率高達90%及商業市場占有率亦達70%,大大證明了ANSYS能夠提升產學與科專的研究品 質,並與業界連結。

2016年4月27日 星期三

Code Modernization – A Personal Approach

Code Modernization – A Personal Approach Intel® Software Black Belt Asaf Shelly discusses the various challenges for Modern Code developers when choosing among the various available techniques including vectorization, multi-threading and multi-node optimization to increase performance.

Accelerate Application Delivery

Accelerate Application Delivery
It's time to try a new class of Application Delivery Controller (ADC) that's designed for any cloud or virtual environment. Download the free 30-day trial of the Brocade® Virtual Traffic Manager to experience:

2016年4月22日 星期五





正式推出RAD Studio, C++Builder, 及Delphi 10.1 Berlin最新版本軟體開發工具。

正式推出RAD Studio, C++Builder, 及Delphi 10.1 Berlin最新版本軟體開發工具。
透 過全新的安裝工具,您將可以隨心所欲安裝您所需要的軟體功能 – 讓您啟動軟體所需時間能大幅降低! 並增加了跨平台FireUI應用程式預覽功能 – 讓您能在不同裝置上(桌機或手持裝置)執行預覽應用程式。透過非常容易使用的工具及API程式庫,讓您的應用程式的反應速度比以往更快速。
提供功能強大的Windows 10系統的VCL控制工具
提供跨Windows, Mac及行動裝置平台的FMX開發工具
提供支援四種32及64位元Intel及ARM CPU作業系 統的原生程式編譯器
提供藍芽, 低功藍芽, WiFi 及非常容易使用的物聯網元件

How-To Intel® Technology Code Samples

How-To Intel® Technology Code Samples

2016年4月21日 星期四


OPTOSS NG-NetMS, is a new end-to-end network management platform for your Linux servers, Cisco, Juniper, HP and Extreme routers, switches and firewalls. NG-NetMS is precise, quick and efficient. It collects most complete information about the network inventory, topology, map of IPv4 addresses quickly and with minimum hassle.

Accelerate Application Delivery

Accelerate Application Delivery
It's time to try a new class of Application Delivery Controller (ADC) that's designed for any cloud or virtual environment. Download the free 30-day trial of the Brocade® Virtual Traffic Manager to experience:
  • 4x faster application response times
  • A way to prioritize your most profitable customers
  • Reduced time to market for new applications
Download Free 30-Day Trial »

2016年4月8日 星期五

IA-based Android

Intel will share the latest IA-based Android devices and introduce resources to help developers maximize performance on IA.

2016年4月7日 星期四

Community Choice

For our April "Community Choice" Project of the Month, the community elected Wine, an Open Source implementation of the Windows API on top of X and Unix. Wine provides both a development toolkit for porting Windows sources to Unix and a program loader, allowing many unmodified Windows binaries to run on x86-based Unixes.

2016年4月6日 星期三

Application Delivery Controller (ADC)

It's time to try a new class of Application Delivery Controller (ADC) that's designed for any cloud or virtual environment.

2016年3月26日 星期六

Test Your Android Apps Virtually on Intel Devices

Test Your Android Apps Virtually on Intel Devices

Check out our testing service partners to test your apps on Intel-based devices.

2016年3月24日 星期四

2016-03-24 16:39:02 經濟日報 記者陳美君╱即時報導

2016-03-24 16:39:02 經濟日報 記者陳美君╱即時報導


去年8月13日央行首度鬆綁房市管制,是召開央行臨時理事會決議。央行當時宣布,新北市八里與鶯歌區及桃園市桃園區,蘆竹區,中壢區與龜山區自管制區域裡 刪除,另外,同一人名下第三戶以上房貸成數,以及豪宅貸款最高貸款成數,與公司法人購置住宅貸款成數,均由先前的五成提高至六成。

2016年2月16日 星期二

Mapping Earth's Seismic Waves, Supercomputer Style

Mapping Earth's Seismic Waves, Supercomputer Style
To better understand the planet's subsurface, scientists used a supercomputer to map 10 years of seismic waves on Earth. Researchers at ETH Zurich took this data and used the Swiss National Supercomputing Centre's (SNSC) Piz Daint high-performance computer to map all seismic waves,from earthquakes and volcanic eruptions to man-made explosions, and gain some insights, according to an SNSC release.

2016年2月12日 星期五

TechMentor 2016 - March 7-11

TechMentor 2016 - March 7-11
TechMentor, in Las Vegas, is a "viable alternative to huge, first-party conferences," offering immediately usable IT education, zero marketing-speak, a strong emphasis on doing more with the technology you already own, and solid coverage of what's just around the corner. Educational sessions and workshops are taught by leading independent IT analysts and Microsoft team members. Topics covered are carefully vetted by long-time conference co-chairs Don Jones and Greg Shields to ensure relevance.

DevShare program

The first action was to eliminate the DevShare program, which delivered installer bundles as part of the download for participating projects. "We want to restore our reputation as a trusted home for open source software, and this was a clear first step towards that," Abbott said. "We're more interested in doing the right thing than making an extra short-term profit. As we move forward, we will be focusing on the needs of our developers and visitors by building out site features and establishing community trust." Plans for the near future include full https support for SourceForge and Slashdot, and "a lot more changes we think developers and end-users will embrace," he said. Stay tuned for future announcements. 
第一次行動是消除DevShare程序,它提供安裝包的下載參與的項目的一部分。 “我們要恢復我們的聲譽作為一個值得信賴的家開源軟件,這是朝著一個明確的第一步, ”雅培說。 “我們更感興趣的是做的比製作一個額外的短期利益的事情。隨著我們向前邁進,我們將專注於我們的開發人員和遊客的需要通過建設了網站功能,建立社區的信任。 ”在不久的將來計劃包括SourceForge上和Slashdot的全面支持HTTPS ,而“多很多變化,我們認為開發人員和最終用戶會接受, ”他說。請繼續關注未來的公告。

Python Programming Backup

Python Programming Backup
Whether you are entering the field of coding or want to add an in-demand skill to your resume, head to Python Bootcamp. Fifty hours of hands-on, beginner-friendly courses and expert-level topics like Machine Learning and more

OpenProj-Project Management—

MPC-HC: Media Player Classic Home Cinema

  • MPC-HC: Media Player Classic Home CinemaA no-nonsense alternative to Windows Media Player that works with nearly any media format.
  • MPlayer for Win32Binary builds of MPlayer/MEncoder for win32, FFmpeg MinGW related packages and MinGW toolchains.
  • VLC Media PlayerA renowned media player that works with most multimedia files and DVDs, audio CDs, VCDs and various streaming protocols.

What's Happening With Your Network? OpManager Knows

What's Happening With Your Network? OpManager Knows
Get the visibility you need to manage your network with OpManager. Monitor
network health, VoIP, traffic and more on up to 25 devices, including physical
and virtual servers, and do it for free. Alerts are sent via email and SMS.

2016年2月2日 星期二

A Quick Guide to Getting Started With ITAC

A Quick Guide to Getting Started With ITAC
The Intel Trace Analyzer and Connector (ITAC) can help you understand Message Passing Interface (MPI) application. But ITAC also gets rid of data bottlenecks, improves correctness and assists with getting better performance. This video by Slashdot Media Contributing Editor David Bolton cover all the basics.

2016年1月23日 星期六

振幅位移 ASK

振幅位移 ASK



2016年1月22日 星期五

client/server SOAP—A library in pure C.

Featured Editor's Review for January: gSOAP

Featured Editor's Review for January: gSOAP

For our January "Editor's Pick" Project of the Month, we selected gSOAP, an extensive suite of portable C and C++ software to develop XML Web services with powerful type-safe XML data bindings. Easy-to-use XML auto-serialization allows you to directly integrate XML data in C and C++ (C++11 compatible) applications. gSOAP includes WSDL/XSD schema binding and auto-coding tools, stub/skeleton compiler, Web servers (with SSL), integrated XML processing with schema validation, fast MIME/MTOM streaming, SOAP and REST (.NET WCF compatible), WS-* protocols (WS-Security, WS-Policy, WS-ReliableMessaging, etc.), and XML-RPC plus JSON serialization. It is licensed under GPLv2. commercial licensing options available starting under 1K. Download gSOAP now.

Dive Into the World of Parallel Programming

Dive Into the World of Parallel Programming
he Go Parallel website, sponsored by Intel and developed in partnership with Slashdot Media, is your hub for all things parallel software development, from weekly thought leadership blogs to news, videos, case studies, tutorials, tech docs, white papers, evaluation guides and opinion stories. Take a look at the most-recent posts and join the conversation now.

2016年1月19日 星期二

Personalized, Computer-Enhanced Epilepsy Treatment Ahead?

Personalized, Computer-Enhanced Epilepsy Treatment Ahead?
Physicians could one day personalize treatments for epilepsy patients by using computer models that pinpoint the parts of brains responsible for seizures, according to researchers at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom. The connectivity of neurons and the affected areas in the brain are different in epilepsy patients, according to a recent story in New Scientist. Lead researcher Frances Hutchings and her colleagues at Newcastle are using a combination of MRI scans and diffusion tensor imaging to find those differences.

2016年1月6日 星期三

精準挖掘數據潛在價值 解開大數據分析之迷


能否精準挖掘出數據真正價值是現時不少企業關心的問題, 企業希望透過分析這些被忽略的數據獲得有助業務發展的寶 貴信息。大數據應用已改變不少行業和機構的運作方式,達 到優化營運和避過欺詐,今期將與大家分析現時市面上有不 少聲稱為分析和處理大數據應用的伺服器方案可選,究竟企 業選購時有甚麼需要留意的地方?