2015年4月28日 星期二

Application Performance Management Is Critical to Business Success

Application Performance Management Is Critical to Business Success

This Application Performance Management Forrester Research study captures insight into the benefits and challenges with today's IT monitoring solutions as well as the types of monitoring features that will help meet application performance and availability expectations.

How to Take the Guesswork Out of Parallelizing Your Code

How to Take the Guesswork Out of Parallelizing Your Code
Faster, more efficient code is the goal of every programmer. And among the ways you can reduce execution time is to add threading, but first you must know where to put it. David Bolton shows you a tool that can help you convert a program from being 100 percent serial to having parts that can be parallelized with multi-threading. Take a look and let us know what you think in the comments section on our story page

2015年4月17日 星期五



去年中國宣佈開通滬港通,更加快推動中港金融服務的融合,預計兩地金融交易會更加頻繁。作為世界首屈一指的第三方高級數據中心服務提供商,萬國數據服務有 限公司便選擇與雲數據中心技術供應商華為合作,在香港合作建立世界級雲數據中心,以滿足金融機構及大型企業的需要。

Linux & OSS最佳解決方案2015

Linux & OSS最佳解決方案2015

一年一度的「Linux & OSS 最佳解決方案編輯大選」,今年已經是第十三屆。根據市場研究機構 Gartner 發表的最新預測,2015 年全球 IT 支出將穩步達到 3.8 兆美元,成長 2.4%,但低於先前預測的 3.9%。Gartner 專家指 2015 年景氣展望較預期放緩,主要是因為美元升值,以及裝置、IT 服務與電訊服務成長預測略為下修所致。Gartner  全球資訊科技開支預測是硬體、軟體、資訊科技服務及電訊市場等主要科技趨勢的首要指標,十年多以來,全球資訊科技及企業高管一直使用這些備受矚目的季度報 告,抓緊市場機遇及挑戰,並透過行之有效的方法及原則作出業務關鍵的決策。

《商智謀略》Google Analytics 101

Google Analytics 101
As one of the 3 Google Analytics Certified Partners (GACPs), and the first Seminars for Success Google Analytics Training Company in the region, we’re organizing the first official Google Analytics modules in collaboration with Google.《商智謀略》

解構 Facebook 廣告相關性分數

解構 Facebook

相信大家都知道Google有「品質分數」這個變數,它會透過評估廣告、關鍵字和到達網頁品質評定,分數越高費用越低,而廣告排名也會越高。 Facebook 廣告就加入類似項目 - 廣告相關性分數 ,今期就為大家詳細介紹。

用想像力經營 微信行銷

用想像力經營 微信行銷

微信坐擁六億用戶,令不少商家趨之若鶩,逐漸成為不少品牌兵家必爭的地方,令微信未出現如 Facebook 或微博等平台的大治秩序,已經稍稍出現飽和和荼靡的跡象。要追落後或者脫穎而出,自然要 Think Out of the Box!

11 個自建電商平台考慮因素

11 個自建電商平台考慮因素

對不少中小企來說 eBay 和淘寶已是個不錯的網上銷售平台,讓公司行銷和銷售人員試試水溫,但 eBay 和淘寶的收費會削減不少利潤空間。其實現時有不少簡單易用的開放源碼電子商務系統,供中小企以更高的成本效益建立自己專屬網上商店,究竟自建網上商店有甚 麼要留意或考慮因素?

2015年4月8日 星期三

RAD Studio XE7

RAD Studio XE7 全新功能:只需五分鐘就可讓您瞭解所需的一切!
全新強大的平行執行函示庫 ( Parallel Programming Library): 賦予開發人員不可思議的程式碼平行執行能力,顯著地提升效能。
開發出高連結性的 Apps: 現代各種不同的裝置(設備)每天正以驚人的速度在增加。目前手機、平板電腦、可穿戴裝置以及快速成長的"物聯網"。RAD Studio 提供了在單一的 RAD Studio 開發環境讓開發人員趕上趨勢的解決方案。

2015年4月7日 星期二

Intel Shows Off Next-Gen Super-Powered Xeon Phi

ntel Shows Off Next-Gen Super-Powered Xeon Phi 
Intel has revealed even more details about the next-generation Xeon Phi processor, code named "Knights Landing," which acts as CPU as well as GPU and could be three times faster than the version currently powering 25 of the Top500 fastest supercomputers in the world. Find out more and let us know what you think in the comments section on our story page.

All indications are that 2015 will bring more of the same, with the struggle between those wishing to create new threats and exploit vulnerabilities and those looking to protect against them likely to intensify.

All indications are that 2015 will bring more of the same, with the struggle between those wishing to create new threats and exploit vulnerabilities and those looking to protect against them likely to intensify.
Advancements in the Internet of Things also means consumers will have increased connectivity across their devices, gadgets and machines - and with this connectivity comes the potential for a whole new range of security risks.
Symantec's Asia Pacific/Japan Security Predictions for 2015 takes a look at issues that will affect individual consumers, businesses and governments in the region.